44 posts
- 2023.1
- Points within satellite swath
- 2022.12
- Self-hosted Staticman on free AWS Lambda
- 2021.1
- The best reference manager
- 2020.12
- Setting up my Elementary OS
- Integrated Reaction Rates (Part3)
- Integrated Reaction Rates (Part2)
- 2020.11
- Integrated Reaction Rates (Part1)
- 2020.10
- Using the ERA5 O3 data in the WRF initial condition
- 2020.7
- Download FENGYUN data in one script
- 2020.6
- Time-lapse images by Raspberry Pi
- 2020.3
- Run sublimetext in WSL
- X11 forwarding Chrome of internal PC
- 2020.2
- Satpy中英双语简介
- Plot TROPOMI data using pcolormesh or imshow?
- Satpy Basic (FY4A)
- 2019.12
- IELTS Notes
- 2019.10
- Initializing the WRF model with ERA5 (pressure level)
- 2019.8
- Hugo+Staticman+Travis
- 2018.12
- Installing libraries and automating WRF-Chem
- Tricks of TH-2 VPN
- Speedup WRF-Chem
- 2018.11
- Controlling the exam with Python
- Trick of binned_statistic_2d
- Send e-mail when file modified
- Set up personal Anaconda mirror
- 2018.10
- Trick of pcolormesh
- 2018.9
- Create RAID 5
- Mount ntfs and start nfs
- Set a dark theme in Texstudio
- 2018.7
- Set decayed tracer for WRF
- The cycle of download and move
- 2018.6
- Install git and oh-my-zsh without root
- Enable auto-login and auto-networking in Debian 9
- 2018.5
- Migrate blog to Github(HTTPS) and add continuous integration
- Running Win10 Debian Zsh in Cmder
- 2018.4
- ssh内网穿透
- Initializing the WRF model with ERA5
- 2018.3
- BEHR_OMINO2 Guide for non_Berkeley
- 2018.1
- Remarkable - Connecting to a hotspot which supports circumvention
- 2017.12
- Initializing the WRF model with ECMWF ERA-Interim reanalysis
- WRF-Chem (MOZCART) and WRF_tips
- 2017.10
- How to compile WRF-Chem
- How to set up Hexo