Because of the COVID-19, CAM-chem output files aren’t available after June 2019.
I compared the WACCM output file and ERA5 reanalysis pressure level data and found that the upper tropospheric ozone is better for the ERA5 data.
As a result, I decided to directly replace the O3 variable in wrfinput*
files by that of the ERA5 data.
Here’re the steps:
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import proplot as plot
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from wrf import getvar, ll_to_xy
import scipy.interpolate as interp
Read data
# read wrfinput file
ncfile = Dataset('./wrfinput/20200901/mozbc/wrfinput_d01', 'r+') # for modification
ds_wrf = xr.open_dataset('./wrfinput/20200901/mozbc/wrfinput_d01') # for reading data
# calculate the pressure levels (hPa)
p_wrf = (ds_wrf['P']+ds_wrf['PB']).isel(Time=0)/1e2
p_wrf.attrs['units'] = 'hPa'
# convert to ppbv
o3 = ds_wrf['o3']*1e3
# read era5 data
ds_era5 = xr.open_dataset('./era5/')
era5_o3 = ds_era5['o3']*28.9644/47.9982*1e9
Correct the ERA5 data manually (optional)
I correct the ERA5 data based on the ozonesonde data:
# correct the ERA5 data manually
era5_o3 = xr.where((era5_o3.level<=500) & (era5_o3.level>=100) & (era5_o3-20>10), era5_o3-20, era5_o3)
era5_o3 = xr.where((era5_o3.level<=700) & (era5_o3.level>500) & (era5_o3-10>10), era5_o3-10, era5_o3)
Interpolating era5 data to wrf grids (lon/lat)
era5_o3_interp = era5_o3.interp(longitude=o3.XLONG.isel(Time=0), latitude=o3.XLAT.isel(Time=0))
## expand 1d to 3d
p_era5 = era5_o3_interp.level.expand_dims(['south_north', 'west_east'])
p_era5 = np.repeat(p_era5, repeats=o3.sizes['south_north'], axis=0)
p_era5 = np.repeat(p_era5, repeats=o3.sizes['west_east'], axis=1)
p_era5.attrs['units'] = 'hPa'
Check the result of interpolation:
f, axs = plot.subplots(ncols=2, share=0)
ax = axs[0]
m = ax.pcolormesh(era5_o3.longitude,
era5_o3.isel(time=0, level=-1),
ax.colorbar(m, label='O$_3$ (ppbv)', loc='r')
ax = axs[1]
m = ax.pcolormesh(era5_o3_interp.longitude,
era5_o3_interp.isel(time=0, level=-1),
ax.colorbar(m, label='O$_3$ (ppbv)', loc='r')
axs.format(xlim=(o3.XLONG.min(), o3.XLONG.max()),
ylim=(o3.XLAT.min(), o3.XLAT.max()),
Interpolating to WRF pressure levels
Define the interpolation function used by xr.apply_ufunc
def interp1d_np(data, x, xi):
from scipy import interpolate
f = interpolate.interp1d(x, data, fill_value='extrapolate')
return f(xi)
Display the structue of each DataArray:
display(era5_o3, p_era5, p_wrf)
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.xr-icon-database, .xr-icon-file-text2 { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 1em; height: 1.5em !important; stroke-width: 0; stroke: currentColor; fill: currentColor; } <xarray.DataArray (level: 37, time: 72, latitude: 201, longitude: 281)> array([[[[2436.0215 , 2437.7124 , 2438.7883 , …, 2450.778 , 2450.9316 , 2451.239 ], [2441.5552 , 2442.631 , 2443.246 , …, 2456.158 , 2456.4653 , 2456.7725 ], [2446.0127 , 2447.0886 , 2447.0886 , …, 2461.845 , 2462.1526 , 2462.4602 ], …, [3067.625 , 3057.7874 , 3049.026 , …, 3244.2405 , 3248.083 , 3255.9224 ], [3072.2366 , 3061.4768 , 3051.7925 , …, 3257.9207 , 3262.9932 , 3269.449 ], [3075.7715 , 3064.397 , 3053.176 , …, 3273.599 , 3278.3643 , 3284.8203 ]],
[[2427.26 , 2429.2583 , 2431.2563 , ..., 2447.8574 ,
2447.8574 , 2448.0112 ],
[2431.8713 , 2433.716 , 2435.5603 , ..., 2451.3926 ,
2451.3926 , 2451.3926 ],
[2436.9438 , 2438.9421 , 2440.6328 , ..., 2454.7744 ,
2454.467 , 2454.3132 ],
… [ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.428476, …, 26.890043, 26.890043, 26.736372], [ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.274803, …, 27.043716, 27.043716, 27.043716], [ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.274803, …, 27.19739 , 27.19739 , 27.19739 ]],
[[ 35.34426 , 35.34426 , 35.34426 , ..., 44.720516,
44.720516, 44.720516],
[ 35.49793 , 35.651604, 35.651604, ..., 44.720516,
44.720516, 44.566837],
[ 35.80528 , 35.95895 , 35.80528 , ..., 44.720516,
44.566837, 44.25949 ],
[ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.428476, ..., 26.736372,
26.582697, 26.428476],
[ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.274803, ..., 26.890043,
26.890043, 26.890043],
[ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.274803, ..., 27.043716,
27.043716, 27.043716]]]], dtype=float32)
level (level) int32 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 … 850 875 900 925 950 975 1000
longitude (longitude) float32 90.0 90.25 90.5 90.75 … 159.5 159.75 160.0
latitude (latitude) float32 60.0 59.75 59.5 59.25 … 10.5 10.25 10.0
time (time) datetime64[ns] 2020-08-01 … 2020-09-01T23:00:00xarray.DataArraylevel: 37time: 72latitude: 201longitude: 2812436.0215 2437.7124 2438.7883 … 27.043716 27.043716 27.043716array([[[[2436.0215 , 2437.7124 , 2438.7883 , …, 2450.778 , 2450.9316 , 2451.239 ], [2441.5552 , 2442.631 , 2443.246 , …, 2456.158 , 2456.4653 , 2456.7725 ], [2446.0127 , 2447.0886 , 2447.0886 , …, 2461.845 , 2462.1526 , 2462.4602 ], …, [3067.625 , 3057.7874 , 3049.026 , …, 3244.2405 , 3248.083 , 3255.9224 ], [3072.2366 , 3061.4768 , 3051.7925 , …, 3257.9207 , 3262.9932 , 3269.449 ], [3075.7715 , 3064.397 , 3053.176 , …, 3273.599 , 3278.3643 , 3284.8203 ]],
[[2427.26 , 2429.2583 , 2431.2563 , ..., 2447.8574 , 2447.8574 , 2448.0112 ], [2431.8713 , 2433.716 , 2435.5603 , ..., 2451.3926 , 2451.3926 , 2451.3926 ], [2436.9438 , 2438.9421 , 2440.6328 , ..., 2454.7744 , 2454.467 , 2454.3132 ],
… [ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.428476, …, 26.890043, 26.890043, 26.736372], [ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.274803, …, 27.043716, 27.043716, 27.043716], [ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.274803, …, 27.19739 , 27.19739 , 27.19739 ]],
[[ 35.34426 , 35.34426 , 35.34426 , ..., 44.720516,
44.720516, 44.720516],
[ 35.49793 , 35.651604, 35.651604, ..., 44.720516,
44.720516, 44.566837],
[ 35.80528 , 35.95895 , 35.80528 , ..., 44.720516,
44.566837, 44.25949 ],
[ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.428476, ..., 26.736372,
26.582697, 26.428476],
[ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.274803, ..., 26.890043,
26.890043, 26.890043],
[ 26.428476, 26.428476, 26.274803, ..., 27.043716,
27.043716, 27.043716]]]], dtype=float32)</pre></div></div></li><li class='xr-section-item'><input id='section-9cb4bc94-0f16-4f68-bfa9-441289071662' class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' checked><label for='section-9cb4bc94-0f16-4f68-bfa9-441289071662' class='xr-section-summary' >Coordinates: <span>(4)</span></label><div class='xr-section-inline-details'></div><div class='xr-section-details'><ul class='xr-var-list'><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-var-name'><span class='xr-has-index'>level</span></div><div class='xr-var-dims'>(level)</div><div class='xr-var-dtype'>int32</div><div class='xr-var-preview xr-preview'>1 2 3 5 7 ... 900 925 950 975 1000</div><input id='attrs-b5ab0ded-6f6f-427f-8174-9f358060f7e4' class='xr-var-attrs-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='attrs-b5ab0ded-6f6f-427f-8174-9f358060f7e4' title='Show/Hide attributes'><svg class='icon xr-icon-file-text2'><use xlink:href='#icon-file-text2'></use></svg></label><input id='data-393e4d38-b5ed-4ea5-8734-8d7f161f7958' class='xr-var-data-in' type='checkbox'><label for='data-393e4d38-b5ed-4ea5-8734-8d7f161f7958' title='Show/Hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-var-attrs'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>units :</span></dt><dd>millibars</dd><dt><span>long_name :</span></dt><dd>pressure_level</dd></dl></div><div class='xr-var-data'><pre>array([ 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 125,
150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600,
650, 700, 750, 775, 800, 825, 850, 875, 900, 925, 950, 975,
1000], dtype=int32)</pre></div></li><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-var-name'><span class='xr-has-index'>longitude</span></div><div class='xr-var-dims'>(longitude)</div><div class='xr-var-dtype'>float32</div><div class='xr-var-preview xr-preview'>90.0 90.25 90.5 ... 159.75 160.0</div><input id='attrs-377b82e6-07d0-4a36-8395-c01eee3ce5f4' class='xr-var-attrs-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='attrs-377b82e6-07d0-4a36-8395-c01eee3ce5f4' title='Show/Hide attributes'><svg class='icon xr-icon-file-text2'><use xlink:href='#icon-file-text2'></use></svg></label><input id='data-98b65de9-f196-4165-932a-4c6279ae6beb' class='xr-var-data-in' type='checkbox'><label for='data-98b65de9-f196-4165-932a-4c6279ae6beb' title='Show/Hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-var-attrs'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>units :</span></dt><dd>degrees_east</dd><dt><span>long_name :</span></dt><dd>longitude</dd></dl></div><div class='xr-var-data'><pre>array([ 90. , 90.25, 90.5 , ..., 159.5 , 159.75, 160. ], dtype=float32)</pre></div></li><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-var-name'><span class='xr-has-index'>latitude</span></div><div class='xr-var-dims'>(latitude)</div><div class='xr-var-dtype'>float32</div><div class='xr-var-preview xr-preview'>60.0 59.75 59.5 ... 10.5 10.25 10.0</div><input id='attrs-68618649-6582-4e64-8b36-0c9864fcfae3' class='xr-var-attrs-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='attrs-68618649-6582-4e64-8b36-0c9864fcfae3' title='Show/Hide attributes'><svg class='icon xr-icon-file-text2'><use xlink:href='#icon-file-text2'></use></svg></label><input id='data-f9bfacc1-e012-4126-9b4a-09b89847ecea' class='xr-var-data-in' type='checkbox'><label for='data-f9bfacc1-e012-4126-9b4a-09b89847ecea' title='Show/Hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-var-attrs'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>units :</span></dt><dd>degrees_north</dd><dt><span>long_name :</span></dt><dd>latitude</dd></dl></div><div class='xr-var-data'><pre>array([60. , 59.75, 59.5 , ..., 10.5 , 10.25, 10. ], dtype=float32)</pre></div></li><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-var-name'><span class='xr-has-index'>time</span></div><div class='xr-var-dims'>(time)</div><div class='xr-var-dtype'>datetime64[ns]</div><div class='xr-var-preview xr-preview'>2020-08-01 ... 2020-09-01T23:00:00</div><input id='attrs-433e7c6c-75c5-4c78-816f-6b3f3ec9ff1a' class='xr-var-attrs-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='attrs-433e7c6c-75c5-4c78-816f-6b3f3ec9ff1a' title='Show/Hide attributes'><svg class='icon xr-icon-file-text2'><use xlink:href='#icon-file-text2'></use></svg></label><input id='data-150c09d5-77da-48f2-bff4-fe0d1a07cae9' class='xr-var-data-in' type='checkbox'><label for='data-150c09d5-77da-48f2-bff4-fe0d1a07cae9' title='Show/Hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-var-attrs'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>long_name :</span></dt><dd>time</dd></dl></div><div class='xr-var-data'><pre>array(['2020-08-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T01:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-01T02:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T03:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-01T04:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T05:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-01T06:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T07:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-01T08:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T09:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-01T10:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T11:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-01T12:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T13:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-01T14:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T15:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-01T16:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T17:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-01T18:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T19:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-01T20:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T21:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-01T22:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-01T23:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T00:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T01:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T02:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T03:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T04:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T05:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T06:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T07:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T08:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T09:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T10:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T11:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T12:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T13:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T14:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T15:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T16:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T17:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T18:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T19:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T20:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T21:00:00.000000000',
'2020-08-31T22:00:00.000000000', '2020-08-31T23:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T00:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T01:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T02:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T03:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T04:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T05:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T06:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T07:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T08:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T09:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T10:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T11:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T12:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T13:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T14:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T15:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T16:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T17:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T18:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T19:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T20:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T21:00:00.000000000',
'2020-09-01T22:00:00.000000000', '2020-09-01T23:00:00.000000000'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]')</pre></div></li></ul></div></li><li class='xr-section-item'><input id='section-16b1a21e-f7c1-45d3-bbcc-39ebdd29a03f' class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' disabled ><label for='section-16b1a21e-f7c1-45d3-bbcc-39ebdd29a03f' class='xr-section-summary' title='Expand/collapse section'>Attributes: <span>(0)</span></label><div class='xr-section-inline-details'></div><div class='xr-section-details'><dl class='xr-attrs'></dl></div></li></ul></div></div>
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.xr-icon-database, .xr-icon-file-text2 { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 1em; height: 1.5em !important; stroke-width: 0; stroke: currentColor; fill: currentColor; } <xarray.DataArray 'level' (south_north: 119, west_east: 119, level: 37)> array([[[ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], …, [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000]],
[[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000]],
[[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
… …, [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000]],
[[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000]],
[[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 950, 975, 1000]]], dtype=int32)
level (level) int32 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 … 850 875 900 925 950 975 1000 Dimensions without coordinates: south_north, west_east Attributes: units: hPaxarray.DataArray‘level’south_north: 119west_east: 119level: 371 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 50 70 … 775 800 825 850 875 900 925 950 975 1000array([[[ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], …, [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000]],
[[ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], …, [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000]],
[[ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], …, … …, [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000]],
[[ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], …, [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000]],
[[ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], …, [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000], [ 1, 2, 3, …, 950, 975, 1000]]], dtype=int32)Coordinates: (1)level(level)int321 2 3 5 7 … 900 925 950 975 1000units :millibarslong_name :pressure_levelarray([ 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 775, 800, 825, 850, 875, 900, 925, 950, 975, 1000], dtype=int32)Attributes: (1)units :hPa
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.xr-array-data, .xr-array-in:checked ~ .xr-array-preview { display: none; }
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.xr-icon-database, .xr-icon-file-text2 { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 1em; height: 1.5em !important; stroke-width: 0; stroke: currentColor; fill: currentColor; } <xarray.DataArray (bottom_top: 74, south_north: 119, west_east: 119)> array([[[ 977.6088 , 973.8247 , 980.0365 , …, 1005.25305 , 1005.3736 , 1005.49805 ], [ 972.2685 , 972.64575 , 980.2555 , …, 1005.1616 , 1005.28357 , 1005.40784 ], [ 973.7658 , 979.50134 , 983.94495 , …, 1005.05743 , 1005.1929 , 1005.32166 ], …, [ 910.8054 , 898.6346 , 894.9356 , …, 1013.1167 , 1012.9816 , 1012.9492 ], [ 903.1422 , 885.46564 , 880.11725 , …, 1013.20825 , 1013.1019 , 1012.9691 ], [ 868.00275 , 854.2058 , 859.6906 , …, 1009.3077 , 1013.17224 , 1013.0759 ]],
[[ 970.978 , 967.2171 , 973.3924 , ..., 998.4201 ,
998.54095 , 998.6655 ],
[ 965.6708 , 966.0465 , 973.6117 , ..., 998.33044 ,
998.4526 , 998.5758 ],
[ 967.15784 , 972.86304 , 977.2757 , ..., 998.2269 ,
998.3619 , 998.4895 ],
… [ 11.009878 , 10.996195 , 10.992074 , …, 11.122887 , 11.122656 , 11.1225195], [ 11.0012455, 10.981459 , 10.975507 , …, 11.123066 , 11.122817 , 11.1225195], [ 10.961985 , 10.946582 , 10.95274 , …, 11.118411 , 11.122959 , 11.122741 ]],
[[ 10.351611 , 10.350232 , 10.352553 , ..., 10.362022 ,
10.362007 , 10.361997 ],
[ 10.349756 , 10.349896 , 10.352734 , ..., 10.361921 ,
10.362008 , 10.362052 ],
[ 10.350339 , 10.352377 , 10.3541 , ..., 10.361861 ,
10.361966 , 10.361929 ],
[ 10.328756 , 10.324332 , 10.322899 , ..., 10.3655405,
10.365465 , 10.36542 ],
[ 10.325963 , 10.319494 , 10.317566 , ..., 10.3655205,
10.3654995, 10.365434 ],
[ 10.313118 , 10.308083 , 10.31015 , ..., 10.364057 ,
10.365552 , 10.365443 ]]], dtype=float32)
Coordinates: XLAT (south_north, west_east) float32 16.568985 16.612839 … 45.305634 XLONG (south_north, west_east) float32 104.098694 104.3277 … 138.15619 Dimensions without coordinates: bottom_top, south_north, west_east Attributes: units: hPaxarray.DataArraybottom_top: 74south_north: 119west_east: 119977.6088 973.8247 980.0365 985.46826 … 10.364057 10.365552 10.365443array([[[ 977.6088 , 973.8247 , 980.0365 , …, 1005.25305 , 1005.3736 , 1005.49805 ], [ 972.2685 , 972.64575 , 980.2555 , …, 1005.1616 , 1005.28357 , 1005.40784 ], [ 973.7658 , 979.50134 , 983.94495 , …, 1005.05743 , 1005.1929 , 1005.32166 ], …, [ 910.8054 , 898.6346 , 894.9356 , …, 1013.1167 , 1012.9816 , 1012.9492 ], [ 903.1422 , 885.46564 , 880.11725 , …, 1013.20825 , 1013.1019 , 1012.9691 ], [ 868.00275 , 854.2058 , 859.6906 , …, 1009.3077 , 1013.17224 , 1013.0759 ]],
[[ 970.978 , 967.2171 , 973.3924 , ..., 998.4201 ,
998.54095 , 998.6655 ],
[ 965.6708 , 966.0465 , 973.6117 , ..., 998.33044 ,
998.4526 , 998.5758 ],
[ 967.15784 , 972.86304 , 977.2757 , ..., 998.2269 ,
998.3619 , 998.4895 ],
… [ 11.009878 , 10.996195 , 10.992074 , …, 11.122887 , 11.122656 , 11.1225195], [ 11.0012455, 10.981459 , 10.975507 , …, 11.123066 , 11.122817 , 11.1225195], [ 10.961985 , 10.946582 , 10.95274 , …, 11.118411 , 11.122959 , 11.122741 ]],
[[ 10.351611 , 10.350232 , 10.352553 , ..., 10.362022 ,
10.362007 , 10.361997 ],
[ 10.349756 , 10.349896 , 10.352734 , ..., 10.361921 ,
10.362008 , 10.362052 ],
[ 10.350339 , 10.352377 , 10.3541 , ..., 10.361861 ,
10.361966 , 10.361929 ],
[ 10.328756 , 10.324332 , 10.322899 , ..., 10.3655405,
10.365465 , 10.36542 ],
[ 10.325963 , 10.319494 , 10.317566 , ..., 10.3655205,
10.3654995, 10.365434 ],
[ 10.313118 , 10.308083 , 10.31015 , ..., 10.364057 ,
10.365552 , 10.365443 ]]], dtype=float32)</pre></div></div></li><li class='xr-section-item'><input id='section-a664d938-3432-42fd-8bf2-823f1a8377a7' class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' checked><label for='section-a664d938-3432-42fd-8bf2-823f1a8377a7' class='xr-section-summary' >Coordinates: <span>(2)</span></label><div class='xr-section-inline-details'></div><div class='xr-section-details'><ul class='xr-var-list'><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-var-name'><span>XLAT</span></div><div class='xr-var-dims'>(south_north, west_east)</div><div class='xr-var-dtype'>float32</div><div class='xr-var-preview xr-preview'>16.568985 16.612839 ... 45.305634</div><input id='attrs-e54793ab-c887-4620-9aec-bb6e3688e464' class='xr-var-attrs-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='attrs-e54793ab-c887-4620-9aec-bb6e3688e464' title='Show/Hide attributes'><svg class='icon xr-icon-file-text2'><use xlink:href='#icon-file-text2'></use></svg></label><input id='data-a9af8f7e-6c04-4d19-93fd-ffe96b2516ba' class='xr-var-data-in' type='checkbox'><label for='data-a9af8f7e-6c04-4d19-93fd-ffe96b2516ba' title='Show/Hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-var-attrs'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>FieldType :</span></dt><dd>104</dd><dt><span>MemoryOrder :</span></dt><dd>XY </dd><dt><span>description :</span></dt><dd>LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE</dd><dt><span>units :</span></dt><dd>degree_north</dd><dt><span>stagger :</span></dt><dd></dd></dl></div><div class='xr-var-data'><pre>array([[16.568985, 16.612839, 16.656075, ..., 17.305672, 17.273308,
[16.788559, 16.832611, 16.87603 , ..., 17.52864 , 17.496117,
[17.008484, 17.052727, 17.09636 , ..., 17.751953, 17.719307,
17.68602 ],
[43.68952 , 43.762844, 43.835167, ..., 44.925404, 44.870953,
[43.929745, 44.003387, 44.076023, ..., 45.171005, 45.116314,
45.06056 ],
[44.16991 , 44.243866, 44.316814, ..., 45.416573, 45.361637,
45.305634]], dtype=float32)</pre></div></li><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-var-name'><span>XLONG</span></div><div class='xr-var-dims'>(south_north, west_east)</div><div class='xr-var-dtype'>float32</div><div class='xr-var-preview xr-preview'>104.098694 104.3277 ... 138.15619</div><input id='attrs-2a3d3d69-5a30-49d5-a5dc-190213a85314' class='xr-var-attrs-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='attrs-2a3d3d69-5a30-49d5-a5dc-190213a85314' title='Show/Hide attributes'><svg class='icon xr-icon-file-text2'><use xlink:href='#icon-file-text2'></use></svg></label><input id='data-ce91913e-049a-4d85-a202-b83b6e5ae5ad' class='xr-var-data-in' type='checkbox'><label for='data-ce91913e-049a-4d85-a202-b83b6e5ae5ad' title='Show/Hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-var-attrs'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>FieldType :</span></dt><dd>104</dd><dt><span>MemoryOrder :</span></dt><dd>XY </dd><dt><span>description :</span></dt><dd>LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE</dd><dt><span>units :</span></dt><dd>degree_east</dd><dt><span>stagger :</span></dt><dd></dd></dl></div><div class='xr-var-data'><pre>array([[104.098694, 104.3277 , 104.55701 , ..., 131.43512 , 131.66837 ,
131.90143 ],
[104.05249 , 104.282135, 104.512054, ..., 131.46875 , 131.7027 ,
131.9364 ],
[104.00604 , 104.23633 , 104.46686 , ..., 131.50262 , 131.73718 ,
131.97156 ],
[ 96.13068 , 96.46338 , 96.796875, ..., 137.30432 , 137.65088 ,
137.9968 ],
[ 96.02817 , 96.36212 , 96.6969 , ..., 137.3808 , 137.72882 ,
138.07614 ],
[ 95.924805, 96.26001 , 96.59607 , ..., 137.45795 , 137.80743 ,
138.15619 ]], dtype=float32)</pre></div></li></ul></div></li><li class='xr-section-item'><input id='section-6df035ab-53c1-4bf2-9954-8badf25b640a' class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' checked><label for='section-6df035ab-53c1-4bf2-9954-8badf25b640a' class='xr-section-summary' >Attributes: <span>(1)</span></label><div class='xr-section-inline-details'></div><div class='xr-section-details'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>units :</span></dt><dd>hPa</dd></dl></div></li></ul></div></div>
It’s time to run the interpolation:
# Explanations are given in
interped = xr.apply_ufunc(
input_core_dims=[['level'], ['level'], ["bottom_top"]],
Reorgnizie interpolated data to WRF variable dimension:
# sort the dims and delete useless coordinates
interped_o3 = interped.sel(time='2020-09-01 00:00').transpose('bottom_top', ...).expand_dims('Time').drop_vars(['time', 'longitude', 'latitude'])
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.xr-icon-database, .xr-icon-file-text2 { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 1em; height: 1.5em !important; stroke-width: 0; stroke: currentColor; fill: currentColor; } <xarray.DataArray (Time: 1, bottom_top: 74, south_north: 119, west_east: 119)> array([[[[ 26.85544708, 26.89004326, 26.89004326, …, 27.85048673, 27.96454546, 27.97777195], [ 26.79858192, 26.89004517, 26.90632874, …, 27.86999883, 28.03319995, 28.00973581], [ 26.89004326, 26.91651859, 26.96341212, …, 27.75184335, 27.91883112, 28.01447156], …, [ 42.88559052, 42.90171678, 42.84873043, …, 43.76431619, 42.66415577, 42.48096888], [ 43.05763403, 43.23619572, 42.85495261, …, 43.87452885, 42.7925106 , 42.38859107], [ 43.60155035, 43.34088363, 43.06596098, …, 44.04397503, 43.13010603, 42.49644742]],
[[ 26.86850858, 26.89004326, 26.89004326, ...,
27.74865668, 27.90227851, 27.96283885],
[ 26.82568012, 26.89004517, 26.89004326, ...,
27.74462751, 27.90841153, 27.95417291],
[ 26.89004326, 26.89004326, 26.90871055, ...,
27.62621128, 27.79286227, 27.9352251 ],
… [7541.28326442, 7527.26233612, 7509.01665573, …, 7506.93546421, 7541.55757499, 7586.09060089], [7511.94835776, 7497.8423389 , 7482.09586978, …, 7479.4326681 , 7493.47807596, 7517.35630734], [7479.79887861, 7466.09814386, 7455.23409676, …, 7466.90025385, 7466.7015107 , 7469.38325193]],
[[9694.82835713, 9693.7357371 , 9689.58353861, ...,
9585.6528903 , 9590.35306113, 9595.75774179],
[9686.9817295 , 9685.91018815, 9682.07826455, ...,
9576.20928858, 9580.64839163, 9585.35674978],
[9678.86203706, 9677.71921539, 9674.5757891 , ...,
9566.05929144, 9569.49277165, 9574.19528187],
[7659.76051491, 7642.8204401 , 7622.65272498, ...,
7648.34201255, 7683.81940009, 7730.1049812 ],
[7626.72798026, 7609.10646871, 7591.36561556, ...,
7622.32897339, 7635.5818719 , 7659.58415364],
[7585.96803727, 7569.48853948, 7558.64050131, ...,
7612.8093532 , 7611.19161405, 7612.15335775]]]])
Coordinates: XLAT (south_north, west_east) float32 16.568985 16.612839 … 45.305634 XLONG (south_north, west_east) float32 104.098694 104.3277 … 138.15619 Dimensions without coordinates: Time, bottom_top, south_north, west_eastxarray.DataArrayTime: 1bottom_top: 74south_north: 119west_east: 11926.86 26.89 26.89 26.89 … 7.62e+03 7.613e+03 7.611e+03 7.612e+03array([[[[ 26.85544708, 26.89004326, 26.89004326, …, 27.85048673, 27.96454546, 27.97777195], [ 26.79858192, 26.89004517, 26.90632874, …, 27.86999883, 28.03319995, 28.00973581], [ 26.89004326, 26.91651859, 26.96341212, …, 27.75184335, 27.91883112, 28.01447156], …, [ 42.88559052, 42.90171678, 42.84873043, …, 43.76431619, 42.66415577, 42.48096888], [ 43.05763403, 43.23619572, 42.85495261, …, 43.87452885, 42.7925106 , 42.38859107], [ 43.60155035, 43.34088363, 43.06596098, …, 44.04397503, 43.13010603, 42.49644742]],
[[ 26.86850858, 26.89004326, 26.89004326, ...,
27.74865668, 27.90227851, 27.96283885],
[ 26.82568012, 26.89004517, 26.89004326, ...,
27.74462751, 27.90841153, 27.95417291],
[ 26.89004326, 26.89004326, 26.90871055, ...,
27.62621128, 27.79286227, 27.9352251 ],
… [7541.28326442, 7527.26233612, 7509.01665573, …, 7506.93546421, 7541.55757499, 7586.09060089], [7511.94835776, 7497.8423389 , 7482.09586978, …, 7479.4326681 , 7493.47807596, 7517.35630734], [7479.79887861, 7466.09814386, 7455.23409676, …, 7466.90025385, 7466.7015107 , 7469.38325193]],
[[9694.82835713, 9693.7357371 , 9689.58353861, ...,
9585.6528903 , 9590.35306113, 9595.75774179],
[9686.9817295 , 9685.91018815, 9682.07826455, ...,
9576.20928858, 9580.64839163, 9585.35674978],
[9678.86203706, 9677.71921539, 9674.5757891 , ...,
9566.05929144, 9569.49277165, 9574.19528187],
[7659.76051491, 7642.8204401 , 7622.65272498, ...,
7648.34201255, 7683.81940009, 7730.1049812 ],
[7626.72798026, 7609.10646871, 7591.36561556, ...,
7622.32897339, 7635.5818719 , 7659.58415364],
[7585.96803727, 7569.48853948, 7558.64050131, ...,
7612.8093532 , 7611.19161405, 7612.15335775]]]])</pre></div></div></li><li class='xr-section-item'><input id='section-1266f87e-7b2b-45be-8fed-921e34b29f0a' class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' checked><label for='section-1266f87e-7b2b-45be-8fed-921e34b29f0a' class='xr-section-summary' >Coordinates: <span>(2)</span></label><div class='xr-section-inline-details'></div><div class='xr-section-details'><ul class='xr-var-list'><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-var-name'><span>XLAT</span></div><div class='xr-var-dims'>(south_north, west_east)</div><div class='xr-var-dtype'>float32</div><div class='xr-var-preview xr-preview'>16.568985 16.612839 ... 45.305634</div><input id='attrs-7fad8ee5-c1cd-47a4-b296-ba9b80abd28d' class='xr-var-attrs-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='attrs-7fad8ee5-c1cd-47a4-b296-ba9b80abd28d' title='Show/Hide attributes'><svg class='icon xr-icon-file-text2'><use xlink:href='#icon-file-text2'></use></svg></label><input id='data-24ce1929-2633-4261-b3b0-b84c44a1c644' class='xr-var-data-in' type='checkbox'><label for='data-24ce1929-2633-4261-b3b0-b84c44a1c644' title='Show/Hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-var-attrs'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>FieldType :</span></dt><dd>104</dd><dt><span>MemoryOrder :</span></dt><dd>XY </dd><dt><span>description :</span></dt><dd>LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE</dd><dt><span>units :</span></dt><dd>degree_north</dd><dt><span>stagger :</span></dt><dd></dd></dl></div><div class='xr-var-data'><pre>array([[16.568985, 16.612839, 16.656075, ..., 17.305672, 17.273308,
[16.788559, 16.832611, 16.87603 , ..., 17.52864 , 17.496117,
[17.008484, 17.052727, 17.09636 , ..., 17.751953, 17.719307,
17.68602 ],
[43.68952 , 43.762844, 43.835167, ..., 44.925404, 44.870953,
[43.929745, 44.003387, 44.076023, ..., 45.171005, 45.116314,
45.06056 ],
[44.16991 , 44.243866, 44.316814, ..., 45.416573, 45.361637,
45.305634]], dtype=float32)</pre></div></li><li class='xr-var-item'><div class='xr-var-name'><span>XLONG</span></div><div class='xr-var-dims'>(south_north, west_east)</div><div class='xr-var-dtype'>float32</div><div class='xr-var-preview xr-preview'>104.098694 104.3277 ... 138.15619</div><input id='attrs-df8341b6-3ca2-46cc-90e4-4b11684c41a6' class='xr-var-attrs-in' type='checkbox' ><label for='attrs-df8341b6-3ca2-46cc-90e4-4b11684c41a6' title='Show/Hide attributes'><svg class='icon xr-icon-file-text2'><use xlink:href='#icon-file-text2'></use></svg></label><input id='data-f6c1bb7b-75da-4b6f-8f26-c54f346300d0' class='xr-var-data-in' type='checkbox'><label for='data-f6c1bb7b-75da-4b6f-8f26-c54f346300d0' title='Show/Hide data repr'><svg class='icon xr-icon-database'><use xlink:href='#icon-database'></use></svg></label><div class='xr-var-attrs'><dl class='xr-attrs'><dt><span>FieldType :</span></dt><dd>104</dd><dt><span>MemoryOrder :</span></dt><dd>XY </dd><dt><span>description :</span></dt><dd>LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE</dd><dt><span>units :</span></dt><dd>degree_east</dd><dt><span>stagger :</span></dt><dd></dd></dl></div><div class='xr-var-data'><pre>array([[104.098694, 104.3277 , 104.55701 , ..., 131.43512 , 131.66837 ,
131.90143 ],
[104.05249 , 104.282135, 104.512054, ..., 131.46875 , 131.7027 ,
131.9364 ],
[104.00604 , 104.23633 , 104.46686 , ..., 131.50262 , 131.73718 ,
131.97156 ],
[ 96.13068 , 96.46338 , 96.796875, ..., 137.30432 , 137.65088 ,
137.9968 ],
[ 96.02817 , 96.36212 , 96.6969 , ..., 137.3808 , 137.72882 ,
138.07614 ],
[ 95.924805, 96.26001 , 96.59607 , ..., 137.45795 , 137.80743 ,
138.15619 ]], dtype=float32)</pre></div></li></ul></div></li><li class='xr-section-item'><input id='section-14d88b3a-a8b4-4d4b-9abd-e5286c63fd95' class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' disabled ><label for='section-14d88b3a-a8b4-4d4b-9abd-e5286c63fd95' class='xr-section-summary' title='Expand/collapse section'>Attributes: <span>(0)</span></label><div class='xr-section-inline-details'></div><div class='xr-section-details'><dl class='xr-attrs'></dl></div></li></ul></div></div>
Check the surface O3 again:
f, axs = plot.subplots(ncols=2, share=0)
ax = axs[0]
m = ax.pcolormesh(era5_o3.longitude,
era5_o3.isel(time=0, level=-1),
ax.colorbar(m, label='O$_3$ (ppbv)', loc='r')
ax = axs[1]
m = ax.pcolormesh(interped_o3.XLONG,
interped_o3.isel(Time=0, bottom_top=0),
ax.colorbar(m, label='O$_3$ (ppbv)', loc='r')
axs.format(xlim=(o3.XLONG.min(), o3.XLONG.max()),
ylim=(o3.XLAT.min(), o3.XLAT.max()),
The interpolated result is different from the previous one, because the lowest level of ERA5 data is 1000 hPa while the WRF uses the lowest height for the defined eta level.
We can get the index of specific location and use it to pick the interpolated O3 profile.
# convert to index in wrf grid
x_y = ll_to_xy(ncfile, 32, 119)
x, y = x_y[0].values, x_y[1].values
Save and export data
Original surface ozone:
ds_wrf['o3'].isel(Time=0, bottom_top=0).plot(vmin=20*1e-3, vmax=65*1e-3)
Replace the era5 surface ozone:
ds_wrf['o3'] = interped_o3*1e-3 # back to ppmv
ds_wrf['o3'].isel(Time=0, bottom_top=0).plot(vmin=20*1e-3, vmax=65*1e-3)
Because the coordinates in the attributes of variables are important for WRF, we should use netCDF4
instead of xarray
to change the O3 value.
To make sure the structure and attributes of the new wrfinput is correct, it’s better to compare the head info using ncdump -h
# ds_wrf.to_netcdf(path='./wrfinput/20200901/era5/wrfinput_d01',
# mode='w',
# engine='netcdf4')
# back up the original wrfinput file, please change the path by yourself
!cp ./wrfinput/20200901/mozbc/wrfinput_d01 ./wrfinput/20200901/mozbc/wrfinput_d01_bak
ncfile['o3'][:] = interped_o3*1e-3 # back to ppmv
# move the edited one to anywhere you like
!mv ./wrfinput/20200901/mozbc/wrfinput_d01 ./wrfinput/20200901/era5/wrfinput_d01
Comparison of O3 profiles
# check the O3 profile at one pixel
f, axs = plot.subplots(axwidth=4)
# o3_profile = era5_o3.sel(longitude=119, latitude=32, time='2020-09-01 00:00')
# legend_1 = axs.plot(o3_profile, o3_profile.level, label='Original')
interped_o3_profile = interped_o3.sel(west_east=x, south_north=y).isel(Time=0)
p_profile = p_wrf.sel(west_east=x, south_north=y)
legend_1 = axs.plot(interped_o3_profile,
label='interpolated ERA5 O3 profile',
wrf_o3_profile = o3.sel(west_east=x, south_north=y).isel(Time=0)
legend_2 = axs.plot(wrf_o3_profile, p_profile, label='orginal wrfinput')
new_wrf_o3_profile = ds_wrf['o3'].sel(west_east=x, south_north=y).isel(Time=0)*1e3 # ppbv
legend_3 = axs.plot(new_wrf_o3_profile,
label='updated wrfinput',
axs.legend([legend_1, legend_2, legend_3], loc='r', ncols=1)
axs.format(xlim=(0, 200),
ylim=(1000, 100),
xlabel='Pressure (hPa)',
ylabel='O$_3$ (ppbv)',)
Version control
Version | Action | Time |
1.0 | Init | 2020-10-27 |
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Comments (2)
Monday, Jan 18, 2021
Xin Zhang
In reply to 高厉害
Monday, Feb 1, 2021