This blog post documents the setup of deploying Hugo with Travis CI to the GitHub Pages.
- GitHub account;
- Travis CI account (login with GitHub account);
- Installing git, hugo on your local system
Create Basic Site
Here I want to create a site named demo
$ hugo new site demo
Generated directory structure by Hugo:
└── demo
├── archetypes
├── config.toml
├── content
├── data
├── layouts
├── static
└── themes
Since I decide to combine the modified AllinOne and hugo-resume theme, I need to clone the two theme first:
$ cd demo/themes
$ git clone AllinOne
$ git clone resume
$ cd ..
Then, the configuration file config.toml
should be modified. Here’s my example:
baseURL = ""
builddrafts = false
languageCode = "zh-Hans"
canonifyurls = true
contentdir = "content"
layoutdir = "layouts"
publishdir = "public"
enableEmoji = true
hasCJKLanguage = true
summaryLength = 200
Paginate = 5
#theme = "AllinOne"
theme = ["AllinOne", "resume"]
home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "JSON" ]
section = [ "HTML", "RSS"]
taxonomy = [ "HTML", "RSS"]
baseName = "index"
mediaType = "text/html"
isHTML = true
title = "Dreambooker"
pygmentsuseclasses = true
disablePathToLower = true
sci-tech = ":year/:month/:day/:slug/"
essay = ":year/:month/:day/:slug/"
tag = "tags"
series = "series"
category = "categories"
name = "Sci-Tech"
weight = 1
identifier = "sci-tech"
url = "sci-tech/"
name = "Essay"
weight = 3
identifier = "essay"
url = "essay/"
name = "About"
weight = 9
identifier = "about"
url = "about/"
faviconfile = "img/logo.jpg"
avatar = "img/me.jpg" # path to image in static dir e.g img/avatar.png (do not use in the same time as gravatar)
author = "Xin Zhang"
description = ["Life is a dream,", "Dream is a life."] # appears in the site header when set to a non-empty string
welcome_head = "Hello, Dreambooker!"
welcome_word = "~ Chase your dream ~"
latestpostscount = 5 # how many posts to display on the home page
bloggroupby = 'month'
dateform = "Jan 2, 2006"
dateformfull = "2006-01-02 Monday 15:04:05"
noshowreadtime = false
# slides
slidesDirPath = "static/img/header-slides" # path to image in local dir (for hugo)
slidesDirPathURL = "img/header-slides" # path to image in static dir (for static pages)
# highlighting
highlightjs = true
# links
email = ""
github = "//"
twitter = "//"
instagram = "//"
include_rss = true # include RSS <link> tag in <head> and show RSS icon
# analytics
# googleAnalytics = "UA-90057853-1"
# counter
busuanzi = true
firstName = "Xin"
lastName = "Zhang"
address = "Nanjing, CN"
phone = "+86 15895938361"
contactNote = "Mr."
profileImage = "img/portrait.jpg"
favicon = "images/favicon.ico"
showSkills = true
showProjects = false
showOpenSource = true
showPublications = true
showExperience = false
showEducation = true
showQr = true
username = "zxdawn2"
repository = ""
branch = "source"
notifications = true
name = "GitHub"
link = ""
name = "Twitter"
link = ""
name = "Youtube"
link = ""
name = "Instagram"
link = ""
name = "Facebook"
link = ""
Then, put your image files under /static/img
Create about
, essay
, sci-tech
directories under /content
and add contents.
To check the effect, just run hugo server
and open http://localhost:1313/
in browser.
Create repository
Starting from here there are two possible ways:
- to use one repository for sources (hugo repository) and publishing (generated HTML)
- to use two repositories: one for sources and another for publishing
I prefer the first option which needs only one repository and create the empty <user/org name>
repository without README file. I create a new account named zxdawn2
for this purpose. So, the corresponding repository name should be
Two branches will be created: master
and code
branch will be used for hosting of generated HTMLcode
branch will be used as the sources of my page
Here’re all steps to set these branches:
Branch source
# Initialized empty Git repository
$ git init
# Create new branch named source
$ git checkout -b source
# Exclude the `public` directory which is deployed to `master` branch
$ echo '/public/' >> .gitignore
# Add themes correctly
$ git rm --cached themes/AlliOne
$ git rm --cached themes/resume
$ git commit -m "remove submodule"
$ git add themes/AllinOne/
$ git add themes/resume/
$ git commit -m "added codebase"
# Commit all source codes to `source` branch
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Hugo generator source code"
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin source
Branch master
# Generate codes of website
$ hugo
# Copy contents to temporary directory
$ HUGO_TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
$ cp -R public/* "$HUGO_TEMP_DIR"
# Create `master` branch
$ git checkout --orphan master
# Remove unnecessary contents
$ rm .git/index
$ git clean -fdx
$ echo '/themes/' >> .gitignore
# Copy files of website
$ cp -R "$HUGO_TEMP_DIR"/. .
# Commits
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'initial website content'
$ git push -u origin master
$ [[ -d "$HUGO_TEMP_DIR" ]] && rm -rf "$HUGO_TEMP_DIR"
It’s time to check whether the website works in browser:
If you got 404
error, you need to initialize the README
file of master
Travis CI
There’re two possible ways:
- To use Github token;
- To use HTTPS for custom domains
I prefer the second method which is simpler and easier.
Add variable to Travis
Now that we need to set a private variable name GITHUB_AUTH_SECRET
on Travis:
(update the placeholders with your data)
Switch to source
branch, write the script below into file .travis.yml
- wget -O /tmp/hugo.deb
- sudo dpkg -i /tmp/hugo.deb
- hugo
- provider: script
script: chmod +x ./ && ./
skip_cleanup: true
branch: source # or master if you are using the two-repository approach
Create corresponding
set -e
echo $GITHUB_AUTH_SECRET > ~/.git-credentials && chmod 0600 ~/.git-credentials
git config --global credential.helper store
git config --global "<USERNAME>"
git config --global "<USERNAME>"
git config --global push.default simple
rm -rf deployment
git clone -b master<GITHUB HTTPS PATH TO YOUR PUBLISHING REPO> deployment
rsync -av --delete --exclude ".git" public/ deployment
cd deployment
git add -A
# we need the || true, as sometimes you do not have any content changes
# and git woundn't commit and you don't want to break the CI because of that
git commit -m "rebuilding site on `date`, commit ${TRAVIS_COMMIT} and job ${TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER}" || true
git push
cd ..
rm -rf deployment
Push both of them to the source
branch of remote repository.
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "add travis"
$ git push
Method 1
Add staticman.yml
under root directory and add @staticmanlab
to the collaborator on github:
Access the link below to accept the invitation:
You will see OK!
on that page.
Method 2 (recommend)
Please check this tutorial about setting up your own staticman instance.
Then, you can add notifications using Mailgun.
Version control
Version | Action | Time |
1.0 | Init | 2019-08-07 |
1.1 | Add the part of setting up own staticman | 2019-08-28 |
1.2 | Add more references | 2020-02-23 |
- Using Hugo and Travis CI To Deploy Blog To Github Pages Automatically
- Hugo on GitHub Pages with Travis CI
- Hugo + Staticman
- Threaded comments for Hugo with Staticman v3
- Running Staticman on Hugo Blog With Nested Comments
- Staticman Comment Notifications Setup Using Mailgun
- Staticman: Adding comments to my Jekyll site
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Comments (6)
Xin Zhang
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2019
Xin Zhang
Sunday, Feb 23, 2020
Xin Zhang
Sunday, Feb 23, 2020
Xin Zhang
In reply to Xin Zhang
Sunday, Feb 23, 2020
Xin Zhang
Sunday, Feb 23, 2020
Xin Zhang
In reply to Xin Zhang
Sunday, Feb 23, 2020